Monday, October 10, 2011

Dental Dilemna - Day 10 of 31 Days of Blogging

Grace has bad teeth. Sometime during the development of her teeth two dentists now have told us that she must have had a high fever which damaged the enamel of her teeth. She's already had six fillings and a couple of weeks ago we noticed one of her back molars looked like it had cavities again.

Saturday she was eating a piece of sausage and it got caught in another back molar and she couldn't get it out. I tried dental floss and brushing and I couldn't get it out either. As I was trying to dislodge it, I realized there was a hole in her tooth. Great.

She had an appointment today after school and the dentist put a stainless steel crown over one back molar and a temporary filling in the other. We have take her back in a couple of weeks for a more permanent filling. Her front permanent teeth are also discolored. Bryon and I were not happy with the demeanor or the explanations the dentist was offering us.

We've taken her to two dentists now. One was too rough and this other guy is a jerk. I think the next step is going to be to take her to Springfield to a pediatric dentist and try to develop a game plan for the long term for her dental care.

It's very frustrating. She didn't mind the stainless steel crown because one of her girlfriends at school has four of them. One day she won't be so happy about that.

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