Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wii Wimp

A couple of  weekends ago Bryon announced he wanted to buy a Wii. We haven't had a video gaming system the entire time we've been married  (19 years in June). We did stay up all night about 16 years ago playing Tetras with our friends at their house in Bolivar. Bryon had to leave about midnight and run home and stoke our woodstove so our pipes wouldn't freeze. Before that, the only game I'd ever really played was Pong on the Atari my little brother.
I got pretty good at the arcade game Centipede and Galaga and could sometimes play Mario Brothers in the SBU game room durning junior high school,  but otherwise I am LAME at video games. So, suffice it to say, I didn't think Wii would be all that great.

It is pretty great.

We bought Wii Play and Bryon went and picked up Hasbro Game Night which has Boggle, Sorry and some other board type games on it. The Wii Sports that came with the game console is really fun. Grace is GREAT at bowling and surprisingly golf too. The other night she said, "Look I'm on the green". What the heck? How do you even know what a green is? The only golf I've ever played has had a giant clown's mouth or windmill at the end of it so "green" is only a color in our world, NOT a place on a golf course.

She loves boxing too. I finally tried the boxing over the weekend and I REALLY wanted to beat Bryon. I did, but now three days later I can finally lift my arms over my head to take my shirt off and on. I was SORE! Everyone keeps asking me if I've tried the Wii Fit yet. Heck no. If the BOXING practically incapacitated me I can't imagine what the Fit would do. I don't think I have what it takes for Fit.

The years or so we were in the house prior to Grace's birth Bryon and I played A LOT of Scrabble. Several times a week, we'd play. Well let me tell you, as a former English teacher you would think I could totally kick butt at Scrabble. Bryon, however,  is incredibly competitive and uses all those double and triple letter and word score blocks to his advantage. Out of probably 200+ games we've played I've won three. I'm pretty sure he let me win at least two of those.

Now, with the Wii I have a chance to redeem myself with Boggle, except I can't. He's still beating me. I've won ONE round so far. He beats me every round and every game.

I guess I'm not too good under word pressure.

It's Boggling.

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