Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thirty Four Books

I've been keeping track of all the books I've been reading on a site called and the best I can track I've read 34 books this year! I still have two more I hope to finish by the end of the year. I think that's probably the most I've ever read in a year. I didn't even count all the books I've read to Grace. Bryon's read several to her as well.

I've been taking Grace to the library every week for a new batch of reading materials. She just randomly grabs things from the shelves which drives me CRAZY! Mostly she just wants to play the computer games they have setup on one computer for the under 6 set. She's actually learning how to do a couple of the games. That leaves me free to choose books for her, more carefully, more conscientiously. She still randomly plops a few on top of the stack at the last minute just so she can have the last word, literally.

She's definately her mother's daughter.

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