I fear I’m growing crotchety in my middle age.
Things I may otherwise not have noticed, drive me to distraction and full on grumpiness now. Maybe it’s hormones. Maybe it’s stress. Or more likely, maybe it’s that people and businesses are out to perpetually annoy me. Yeah, most definitely it’s that last thing.
I conjured enough things just today thinking about it in my car on my way to and fro that I think this could become a regular blog feature. Hopefully it won’t be a weekly feature because that would mean either: A. the world really is conspiring against me or B. I’m becoming one of those bitchy people I can’t stand.
Either way, here are the Top Ten Things That Annoyed Me Today in no particular order of annoyance.
1. The complete lack of hooks, baby changing table or shelf to sit my purse on in 3 public ladies restrooms. This results in one of two things: purse on the floor (ick) or purse around my neck or other necessary body part. Either way = unhappy customer.
2. The piece of tasty Buffalo Chicken goodness that the dude ALWAYS leaves stuck to the paper tray when he dumps it onto my sandwich at Subway. Seriously, you don’t put enough chicken on that sandwich as it is. I want it all.
3. Random message lights appearing on my car dashboard and then going back off. Honestly, I think the car companies just have them set to go off at odd intervals so we have to go to the dealership and Scooby Doo that mystery each time.
4. People who call my cell phone and do not leave a message. I will not call your random number back and investigate. Leave me a dang message.
5. Automated answering systems for companies that disconnect me time and again when I am trying to follow their verbal labyrinth
6. Any '”man made material” in shoes or purses. Man made material just means it will fall apart, scuff up or peel off. You don’t see any cows walking around with holes worn through them, now do you?
7. Shoe Carnival Barkers. All of them. I hate that store.
8. Giant 18 wheelers in the rain.
9. Pavement on state highways that suddenly and inexplicably ends ten miles into my twenty mile trip to the next town. My car isn’t made for gravel roads. I had to turn around and backtrack.
10. How nice the dog acts when Bryon is home early and how bad she acts when he’s not.
Fear not, I’ll keep a list. There will be more.
What annoyed you today?
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