Lord help me I'm reading paranormal ROMANCE books. I don't know what's happened to me. I'm totally addicted to them.
It PAINS me to admit it.
I love them.
I didn't even realize I'd been sucked in until I was at the library and saw a book mark that said PARANORMAL ROMANCES on the top and listed half of the authors I'd been reading lately. What the heck?
I don't READ romances! I've never read a ROMANCE. Okay sure when I was young I did sneak into my mom's closet and flip through the pages of her books until I found the dirty parts. You know, heaving loins and all but SERIOUSLY. I've never even seen Gone with the Wind or Titanic.
I just don't do ROMANCES.
But now, turns out I do. But I justify it by telling myself I'm only reading the freaky ones so they don't really count.
The things we tell ourselves :)
I only wish they would at least not put sexy men on the front so everyone KNOWS I'm reading smut.
Jeez, they should come in a plain brown cover.
Lord help me :)
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