Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wildlife Evening

One night last week as Grace and Bryon were watering the flower outside, they had a great night of wildlife discoveries. We've had a TON (20-30 hummingbirds) and one of them hit our big window (an regular occurance) and stunned itself. Bryon picked it up and Grace got to hold it until it recoverd and flew away. THEN she found a furry caterpillar all on her own and wallowed it around for some time. THEN a tree frog jumped out of our hanging pot while Bryon was watering and she got to hold it too! It jumped up on the side of her head and hung there for a while! She loved it!

We've also had a bat hanging out on our back porch which is pretty cool. Grace is a caterpillar magnet now and has found several more scurrying about.

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