Thursday, August 12, 2010

O' Tomato!


Well, once again this year we have not grown enough tomatoes to can. Our heirlooms did MUCH better this year (I think they could sense it was their last chance!) and I have managed to make four quarts of freezer pasta sauce from them. But I have just not had enough to can up for stew tomatoes so I bought twenty pounds from my Grandma and did these last night. I had one quart and two pints of just leftover juice I went ahead and canned and figured we could use it for soup base.

I think she'll have enough for me to get some more from her Sunday and do a few more. Then I think I'm done for the summer. It won't be enough but it will help.

I've heard lots of folks talking about canning this summer. I think everyone is doing it and trying to keep the old home fires burning... at least in the kitchen.

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