We spent the weekend camping at Bennett Springs the past few days on Bryon's Third Annual Birthday Camping Trip with the Hugglers. It was HOT but we all had a good time despite the rowdy bunch of rednecks that pulled in Saturday afternoon and proceed to cuss and abuse their wild children the rest of the weekend.
Bryon's birthday is actually TODAY (happy 42 for him now too!). The men fished, Grace played on the playground with a motley crew of rotating kids and swam in the pool two days in a row.

I read my smutty vampire book and generally sat around, ate snacks and drank tea in the shade.

We didn't exactly rough it thanks to Bryon's ingenious redneck ingenuity.

Yes my friend that is indeed an air conditioner in our tent. We paid for electricity and By God we used it. It was swell. Not very environmentally friendly, but I didn't get a sick headache from the heat so TOTALLY WORTH IT. No I am NOT ashamed, only sad we never thought of it sooner.
One poor kid in camp had a horrific bike wreck going down the big hill out of the campground. The park folks said at least one kid a summer ends up in the ER in Lebanon going down that hill. Aaron is lucky it wasn't him last year because he rode my bike down it with Bryon balls out and ALMOST wiped. He was lucky. This poor kid was NOT. Grace came over and told us all about him when he showed up on the playground Sat afternoon all bandaged up and bloody still. We met his Mom in the bathroom with him and she said they took him into St. John's in Lebanon and got him patched up. They were from Illinois. I told him chicks dig scars and she said that's what everyone was telling him. I told him he was like the camp hero now. She said it was only the third day with his new bike.
I'm betting he doesn't get on it again for a while.
Everyone that fished caught fish... except for ONE who will remain nameless. You know who you were :)
I snuck home Saturday afternoon while Bryon and Grace swam in the pool to check on all our animals and feed and water them again in the heat and snuck in a quick shower. It was swell too.

Grace met a sweet little girl named Taylor and played with her and family's two little dogs for a long, long time.

Grace and I went on a little walk and found lots of wildflowers and busy bees and butterflies.

Good weekend. Just never long enough.
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