I took Grace this morning for her Niangua pre-school screening. It took FOREVER. She had to do lots of tricks and show her best stuff to be admitted. She passed. She scored in the 75th percentile nationally. She would have scored much higher probably except her speech and language is just "barely" over the lowest score. No surprise there. Cammie has been working with her this past year and the past 6 months more intensively and she has made a lot of improvement but she's still hard to understand. I'm sure there will be a learning curve for her new friends and teachers. I just don't want her to be made fun of.
She MIGHT even get to go to summer school at Niangua. They have summer school with a Pre-K prep course starting May 20-June 19 and if they have enough interest and then enough slots she can go. Woo hoo! I'll have to let her ride the bus a few times though or there will be anarchy. That girl STILL loves school buses. I told Bryon I might have to ride the bus with her. I'm just not sure about sending her off on a school bus full of delinquents yet.
Sound like a Mom?
Too bad! I am the Mom and I get to make the rules. Live with it.
We'll know in a week or so if she get's to go. Grandpa will have to pick her up at 2:30 each day and entertain her until we get home. I think he can probably manage that :)
I can't believe she's finally big enough to go to school. This means a lot of things but mostly we're going to be saving $500 a month between daycare and speech therapy. Woohoo! Sure there's all that learning to read and write, making lifelong friends, beginning the quest for college scholarships etc. etc.... but $500 a month! That's huge!
I can almost hear those calves bleating in our newly fenced field now.
What did she miss in language??? She has GREAT language skills (imo)!!!