Friday, January 30, 2009

The Rabbit's Died and The Pigs Got Eaten

No I'm not pregnant (praise God) but just like I suspected sometime Monday night Flop had four more little baby bunnies. I opened up the hutch to give them some fresh water and timothy hay and saw a pulsating mound of fluffy hair in the litter box they use. I couldn't see any of them but I knew they were in there as snuggled in as she could make them. She'd been pulling out fur from her belly and collecting it for a few days and last Sunday I cleaned out the cage and box really well and put in fresh bedding but saved her fur for her and put it back into the cage.

She did a much better job this time (at least from my human point of view) building the nest but it was just too cold out there for them and the next morning they were all lying willy nilly around the nest frozen. I did dig one out from the bottom of the nest that was also sort of smashed so it may have been dead sooner than the others. It was sad even though I knew it was what was likely going to happen. I figured it would have just been harder if I'd brought them in, Grace had seen them and THEN they had died. Or not died and then we would have had four more bunnies to find a home for eventually.

Of course Grace continually surprises me with her farm saavy. After the crooked beaked chicken got killed, I came in and told Grace and she said, "That's okay Mama, we didn't want that one anyway." True. Cold, but true. She's going to make a fine little farmer I think.

On a happier note, at least for the humans on the farm, Bryon also picked up our pork today from the processor. He cooked up some of the butterfly porkchops tonight for dinner and they were DE-LICIOUS! That meat really filled up the freezer. It's pretty satisfying eating something that WE raised and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more of it.

Farm on.

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